Monday, May 21, 2012



I have my three winners from the Hop Against Homophobia giveaway  and also three honorable mention/special winners. I chose my winners through so there you have it.

Here are the winners:

  1. 3rd place: Tj (2 books of mine from my first release to anything I release up to October 18th)
  2. 2nd place: Crissy (3 books of mine from my first release to anything I release up to October 18th)
  3. 1st place: Wulf (4 books of mine from my first release to anything I release up to October 18th plus $20 ARe gift card)

And I changed the gifts a bit due to the honorable mentions/special winners.

The three honorable mention/special winners are:

  1. Jayanx
  2. Andy (AM Burns)
  3. Andi (Andi Anderson)

The three of you will receive a free copy of one of the Tate Pack books or the next release (A Tate Pack Anthology) that will be released at the end of the month.

Chipmunk also chose for Katey Hawthorne, Judi, and PaParanormal to take home some Tate Pack swag and I am a father who has a hard time telling my daughter no (she actually thought that you should all win something, everyone who commented or even everyone who read any of the posts, so we compromised. I'm going to post a free short on my website and blogs. Not a Tate Pack short, just a free short story. So she's happy)

Congratz to the nine of you!!! I will be contacting you via-email shortly to let you know more information and get more information from you.

Now I'm exhausted. Whew! It's time for me to go and eat breakfast and get back to writing.

Have a great day everyone!!!

-Vicktor Alexander

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