Sunday, September 18, 2011

Too Tired

I had planned on putting up Part Three of "D & R" or Part One of "Love's Enslavement" or to tell you all about the wonderful, orgasmic morning I had....but I'm too tired.

Too tired to do anything but sleep or lay around reading.  All of my creative juices have been drained from my body.  Jack took them with him.  So hopefully I'll be more awake tomorrow.  BTW, for those of you having trouble buying the books on Lulu, they are available for purchase through (GR) as well.

Okay, so *yawn* g'night!




  1. Sounds like you had a great time VeeVee.

  2. I did, but every time I fall asleep I wake back up like twenty minutes later, plus I mixed my pills today so I feel extremely high right now. LOL.

  3. LOL seems like you are going to keep waking up and falling back asleep today then VeeVee.

  4. Jack and my sisters want me to go to the hospital, because my hands are shaking. I think I just need to wait it out, but he's on his way over now. "Baby, you can't be mixing pills and shit." *Shrug* I told him I used to do drugs, hell, my body probably is shaking from excitement thinking I'm doing that shit again. LOL. But whatever. He wants to take me back to his place so he can keep an eye on me, in case I "have to go to the hospital."

  5. Lord you have so much in common with me in that department although my drug useage was light compared to some others I know. I'm glad I'm done with it all you know? Seems like he's in protective Boyfriend mode and he's not about to let up trust me my partners are the same way over me being in pain or anything. But it gets to bad and I want you to go to the hospital and I'm guessing here but you don't much care for hospitals do you? I know I don't care to much for them myself.

  6. No. I hate them, but I'm headed there now. I'll talk more when I get back

  7. I understand and I'll talk to you as soon as we can.


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